Do you Swim with the big boys with occasional beat downs or put on weight and swim with the minnows where you decide who, how, why, when, and the severity of beatdowns.... now you have enough money you can travel between locations freely, and buy any items necessary to complete missions, but now you can optimize your purchases by favoring one of two play styles and buying accordingly:
1. Large Fish, Small Pond
Here, you will stay in the Bronx or Coney Island for most fights. You can secure enough hired men through gameplay that you don't have to purchase any additional characters with your favor points by playing in these two areas, letting you spend your favor points onhigh end items with rare qualities. Purchase 10 of the highest defense items in each group, which currently are:
Melee: Jackhammer: 21 attack, 10 defense.
Guns: Bazooka. 26 attack. 14 defense.
Explosives: Napalm. 20 attack. 7 defense for awhile, and then Van of Explosives in New Jersey. 19 attack. 9 defense.
Armor: Exoskeleton. 8 attack. 38 defense.
Vehicles: Mack Titan. 6 attack, 16 defense.
Henchmen: Not all unlocked for me, but so far at level 84 it's a Caddy. 15 attack, 15 defense. (this was from a different post and older as well...most of you will have access to all items and all classes..and obviously there are other items with more A & D available these days many of which that can be obtained by mission completion and loot drop reward.)
Always remember if you wait to acquire FP through gameplay the Items will be sold out so going with Cayman Islands and 2 mobster limit may be your best bet..but always remember everyone and his sister can do this to stand out go for the Gusto...thats if you want to BLOW your hard earned cash..I got a family to spend my money on..Grandkids who love it when Granpa gets em a new Nintnedo DS game or a New Xbox 360 game..or..well you understand..its all about priorities.
You should switch to the Merchant of Death class to buy melee and guns, and the defender to buy defense, but to defend enough fights to become defender, you'll need those 10 exoskeletons asap. Enforcer can also be used to buy weapons, but you get a lower % discount (but a 15% critical hit chance!)
As time goes on, you will acquire favor points from missions, completing offers for a sponsor (discussed later), or purchase them with real money. Trade those favor points for the highest end items and those which help your character in fights. For instance, if you don't have infinite favor points (you don't), don't buy a low end henchman with 25/20 stats when you could be buying one @ 99/69 (Dragon Warrior, sold out). There will definitely be items which will be more a waste for actual play, and are used really to show off on one's profile. Avatar items have a lot of value, but know now that when you master all the jobs in a location you'll get a powerful avatar item that will rival those which you can buy.
2. Huge Fish, Large Pond.
To do this, you MUST have at least 150 or 200 friends who are playing this game with you. They don't need to be active, but you must have 150+ people in your mob to play this style. What you are trying to do here is beat all the people who don't optimize their characters items and build early in the game, and by having a lot of friends and a lot of items, you can beat up on anyone who isn't lucky to have as many friends as you PLUS they would have had to do a better job equipping their character than you.
There are ways you can REALLY optimize your character, and to do that I would recommend you read this thread on the Mobsters two forum:"Strategy for Buying Equipment" by BigAussieAl. You can use an item manager to figure out whether you're better off buying item a vs b vs c, and if you're trying to really geek out with this, you'll enjoy this method of play. The primary point of the article is that buying items and equipping the different number of mobsters in each area is limited by scarcity of cash, and since we all have the same scarcity, it's who purchases the most efficient items (most attack/defense for the money) who will win the most battles. This is definitely correct, and the Large Fish, Small Pond method of play is simply the same method but on a much smaller scale. The most efficient items according to the author were:
Guns: .38 Special (7-1)
Explosives: Gas Can (3-0)
Armor: Dark Suit and Black Facepaint (0-4)
Vehicles: El Camino (1-3)
(now remember this is only for those with very little cash...or obviously you would be buying exo's, or laser rifles, or napalm...etc..etc...and there are even other items since these articles were written last...also you can acquire lots of very nice items by doing the same mission over and over and acquiring items from loot drops. I have acquired over 135 (which are also worth 200K in cash so I am sitting on around 27 mill for emergency funds) Crooked Bank Tellers which have a An A of and a D of 30 so doing missions really helps)
You should switch to the Merchant of Death class to buy melee and guns, and the defender to buy defense, but to defend enough fights to become defender, you'll need those 10 exoskeletons asap. Enforcer can also be used to buy weapons, but you get a lower % discount (but a 15% critical hit chance!)
As time goes on, you will acquire favor points from missions, completing offers for a sponsor (discussed later), or purchase them with real money. Trade those favor points for the highest end items and those which help your character in fights. For instance, if you don't have infinite favor points (you don't), don't buy a low end henchman with 25/20 stats when you could be buying one @ 99/69 (Dragon Warrior, sold out). There will definitely be items which will be more a waste for actual play, and are used really to show off on one's profile. Avatar items have a lot of value, but know now that when you master all the jobs in a location you'll get a powerful avatar item that will rival those which you can buy.
2. Huge Fish, Large Pond.
To do this, you MUST have at least 150 or 200 friends who are playing this game with you. They don't need to be active, but you must have 150+ people in your mob to play this style. What you are trying to do here is beat all the people who don't optimize their characters items and build early in the game, and by having a lot of friends and a lot of items, you can beat up on anyone who isn't lucky to have as many friends as you PLUS they would have had to do a better job equipping their character than you.
There are ways you can REALLY optimize your character, and to do that I would recommend you read this thread on the Mobsters two forum:"Strategy for Buying Equipment" by BigAussieAl. You can use an item manager to figure out whether you're better off buying item a vs b vs c, and if you're trying to really geek out with this, you'll enjoy this method of play. The primary point of the article is that buying items and equipping the different number of mobsters in each area is limited by scarcity of cash, and since we all have the same scarcity, it's who purchases the most efficient items (most attack/defense for the money) who will win the most battles. This is definitely correct, and the Large Fish, Small Pond method of play is simply the same method but on a much smaller scale. The most efficient items according to the author were:
Guns: .38 Special (7-1)
Explosives: Gas Can (3-0)
Armor: Dark Suit and Black Facepaint (0-4)
Vehicles: El Camino (1-3)
(now remember this is only for those with very little cash...or obviously you would be buying exo's, or laser rifles, or napalm...etc..etc...and there are even other items since these articles were written last...also you can acquire lots of very nice items by doing the same mission over and over and acquiring items from loot drops. I have acquired over 135 (which are also worth 200K in cash so I am sitting on around 27 mill for emergency funds) Crooked Bank Tellers which have a An A of and a D of 30 so doing missions really helps)
If you have the money (real money and are really into the game then wait for specific items to come up and by 10 of like CIA or T-man or Irish Saints all with over 100 in by buying 10 of these and waiting until the best items usually above 100 as with the others then buying 10 of each...until finally you have 10 of each of the absolute best items in each category you will be unstoppable in Downtown...I call this Whale in a Swimming pool will lose maybe 1 out 100..unless my math is incorrect or until you run into a CC player not afraid to spend more money than you.
Once you have given each of your 150 mob members + any hired men you have these items + the cheapest henchmen (foreign muscle/inside men can be won from doing missions/gifts) + the cheapest car you can buy the most of; then you can start buying higher attack/defense items which are less efficient but will have you doing more damage when you have the $ to spend. .....this is a real waste of money unless you are willing to blow money (or can afford to) on a silly game..but for truly super anal competitive people..who love to win more than they love their money then go for it.However this will cost around 35 FP per item x 10 X 6 categories for a total of (for downtown ..remember you can always do the same on Grand Cayman scale ..2 or even Coney scale ..5..etc..etc. So choose where you want your mobbie to spend most of his time and thats where you spend your money.
Total to purchase a mad BIG FISH SMALL POND Mobster is 20 cents per FP (.20 x 1000 = $200) Top notch equipment = 35 FP per 10 for explosives category + 350 FP x .20 = $70 X 6 categories = $420 and you will have a steady Downtown address.
For this play style, I believe you MUST change your class to the one which will discount you the most on the items you are buying. A multiplier of 150 or 200 will make a small amount of savings massive.
For this play style, I believe you MUST change your class to the one which will discount you the most on the items you are buying. A multiplier of 150 or 200 will make a small amount of savings massive.