Welcome To Build A Superbad Mobster from Comitatus Fraternitas > Band Of Brothers

Glad to have yous guys showin up here to gain some knowin how, even if it may be common knowledge to lots of you guys it aint to many..so leave some comments and some knowledge if they are good I will give you credit and repost them as Mobster Know How for everyone to comment on...So Comment and lets see who's bad in the Know How area...leave it for all to learn from and by doin so you make the entire family strong.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

BUY stuff the smart way

Smart Buying....I have full blown territory trees as well as mini versions of the same along with many info and intel packages which cover various techniques and strategies in building as well as defensive, offensive, health, energy and stamina that if used correctly will gain you either gold or platinum status in many and various different achievements (such as Food And Beverage Tycoon, Residential Tycoon, Commercial Tycoon or Industrial Slumlord) and they show how to build to be an attacker, to be a defender, to be a profiteer, how to increase your health by 5 -7 hundred points above what you already have (at a certain point in the game with a certain amount of health that you have purchased by using skill points gained from leveling up you will be able to achieve platinum status and reach 2000 points of health (gold = 1000) you can also increase you energy by 4-7 hundred ( achieve the same as you did in health). There are also strategies for how to increase stamina using territories as well as the use of certain class men. There is also information available in several documents that will guide you in how to buy certain melee to beat Credit Card Mobbies (CCM"s) which is almost impossible since they can buy all the fancy toys, but so can you with the same credit cards or debit cards or save your favors and you will ultimately gain the upper hand on CCM's (and God and everyone knows that face book loves and plays favs with CCM's) its bull too...but if you buy certain loot (if you want you can keep a running tab on everything you buy and its value even though it is done automatically and on a running tab basis in the equipment area) ...but by buying say jackhammers which offer 21>Offense and 10>Defense you can boost your ability to attack and defend by that value 21 and 10 right?....so its even better if you buy 10 of them cause then you have 210-O and 100-D which is great...add all the stuff that you buy multiples of and then you are getting somewhere but the real smart players know that it is ridiculous to spend $140,000 and get 10 jackhammers and end up with 210 and 100, when if you spend the same amount on cattle prods, $140,000 worth of cattle prods will get you 2600 points in OFFENSE!!!!! and 1600 in DEFENSE!!!! and you have just smoked the person who spent $140,000 on jackhammers...sure you can buy one so it adds to your collection...but its kind of STUPID to buy multiples of these when you can DARN sure get more for your money almost everywhere in this game through a little strategizing so INBOX me on my FB page or E-MAIL me.I have been fairly lucky in that I have been able to locate as well figure out the routes and factors required to set high scores as well as win all of the permanent loots for each transport mission even the super fast one in chinatown...the trick is in slowing it down, but there is a certain sequence of events that absolutely have to be followed for success...the prize is a stock certificate that will increase income in certain missions by 10%. I also have a tactic which depending on how you look at it is either ingenious or downright cheating :-) hehehe for how to beat the hack an account in the Caymans ( i got 22 words out of 22 words) I feel that as soon as you start that game you are practically walking backwards and it is nearly impossible to beat it...with out someone looking over your shoulder helping you by calling out words..so you don't have to look up and readjust your focal point then look back down, readjust, type in a word etc., and after 10 of those well you get the drift, and time is gone and you have 10-12 more words to go no permanent reward here but I set the high score) so inbox me and start kickin everyone's tail you wish to kick or notice how one day a certain person always won every attack and then the next day you won 2-3 out of 5 or as much as 4 out of 5...depends on what you spend...IT MAY TAKE A FEW DAYS THATS WHY I ALWAYS PREACH TO MY NEWBIES LAY OFF OF LEVELING UP until you have at least 5 million dollars worth of melee and cars and guns...preferably you will have 20 million in stuff before you start rockin and rollin...most people just jump in and get there ass kicked ruthlessly by everyone but ever now and then you see someone who wins 4 out of 5 fights they are in...check my stats...its because they waited 4-10 days and loaded up on winchesters 50 a day and then sold them 50 x $10,000 x 10 days is 5 mil, 20 days is 10 mil...you are one bad son-of -a-gunslinger when you have that much stuff stashed behind that joker face or a regular smile...I dont care so much about stats..I do care about winning...(its funny how one set of factors helps out in the other area also...bunch of stuff = bunch of wins = nice stats...etc...etc...inbox me or e-mail me and I will and can make you one bad Son of a gun.

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