Welcome To Build A Superbad Mobster from Comitatus Fraternitas > Band Of Brothers

Glad to have yous guys showin up here to gain some knowin how, even if it may be common knowledge to lots of you guys it aint to many..so leave some comments and some knowledge if they are good I will give you credit and repost them as Mobster Know How for everyone to comment on...So Comment and lets see who's bad in the Know How area...leave it for all to learn from and by doin so you make the entire family strong.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tips AND Tricks
Majority of Tips and Tricks provided and or condensed or reposted by LESLIE Looman on Mobsters2 ...enjoy.

How to get old gifts on your gift page
well you wont continue getting them...but you go to your gift board and ignore all the gifts you dont want...and refresh the screen every now and then...and you will end up with a page full of what you want it will go on ad infinitum....I even ignored so far back that I found 17 USO patches..and my board is full of 100 gifts 83 blades and 17 patches....patches ...patches, we don't need no stinking patches...heheh let me know what you end up with

This is how to beat the grand Caymans you will have to open 2 browsers and diminish them both to 1/4 size

Leslie Looman December 8 at 8:14am
Well in the caymans...the hack an account..use this web site and you will have to do the 6 letter word first it is the only way to beat it http://www.a2zwordfinder.com/wordlists.html use scrabble search
a2z WordFinder: Scrabble(R) Word Pattern Matching For Puzzles and Teaching Lessons
Source: www.a2zwordfinder.com
Source: www.a2zwordfinder.com

his is the Chinatown Transfer.... The first post is how to pull up old gifts all the way back to AC# hidden Blades...I even pulled up switchblades

Allright remember this info is from the left side of the road perspective..(when you are sitting and facing the cars coming out)which is where the 1st 3 men go... .but when you get to corner 4 5 and 6 the gun men go on the right side of the road...
First you start then real fast place a stop sign at the point between 3rd and 4th corner.(left side of the road)...then upgrade the stop sign all the way (didnt know you could do that did you)..then you place a machine gun at corner 4 on the right side of the road and upgrade it fully...then next wave everything to the max...Then machine gun at corner 1 2 3 in the middle of 4 and 5 (right side of the road) and corner 6 right side..down the exit...Now the trick is to upgrade all in the order that you placed them..should be six..but you cant upgrade last one, wait until the armored truck is turning around corner 4 then sell 1st gunman and upgrade your last..and you win..They all have to be upgraded to assault rifles or you wont get the certificate...you may have to do it 2 or 3 times to get the permanent boost (certificate)..good luck and happy holidays....Comitatus Fraternitas (Band Of Brothers). let me know when you beat it....you get a stock certificate that's good for 10% increase on certain missions....................Leslie Looman

This is the Mini Bible PART I
There are multiple goals people appear to have: Complete all missions, Level up to some specific #, Collect all the items, Create the best fighter, and Winning the most fights. Overall, fighting plays a large role, and as you level up and buy items, you should keep this in mind so you aren't constantly in the hospital (and you're the one putting everyone else there!). Every level the character gains 3 skill points to allocate towards Attack, Defense, Health, Energy, and Stamina. Characters looking to play every mission and do so quickly tend to put most of their points in energy, and it allows for easy character leveling early in the game. More advanced players typically will only put as many points in energy, health, and stamina as they find necessary, and pump attack and defense to win more fights. Energy and Stamina regenerate over time (and you can buy properties to decrease the countdown) so you can really only fill your energy and stamina meter so much per day, while attack and defense are static numbers. If you barely play, you should probably pump energy and stamina so you aren't only able to do a few things before you have to wait.

The goal of this lens is to identify optimal ways to play Mobsters 2: Vendetta on Facebook so your character levels up quickly, has a ton of high end items, and is a feared name on the Attack page. Good luck!

As you do missions and win fights, you will be rewarded with money and occasionally items. Overall, it is difficult to generate a significant income through properties. Properties have a fixed cost and generate a fixed number per hour, and more than likely you will find properties that will generate some income (but not the maximum number possible) but give you a faster regeneration time on energy, stamina, and health or increased attack or defense are much better than properties which simply generate the most money possible. For a really comprehensive look at all of the territories, when you can access them, and what they give you (I have the tree if anyone needs it).Overall, you're going to be likely pushing energy regeneration territories so you can master the missions as fast as possible, but many mobsters like to stay low level, have huge attack and defense stats, and never lose a fight.

So, how do you make money? Play the lower missions, level up, and you'll be playing missions which reward more. Kind of obvious, but what people don't do which ends up leaving them constantly cash poor and unable to access the Grand Caymans location (which requires $500,000 in the bank to travel there) is put their money in the bank! So far, this is what I've found to the the best steps to keep the maximum amount of money while playing to level up and win fights:

1. Stay in the Grand Caymans (if you have the $), Coney Island, or the Bronx when you aren't doing missions. This will allow you to only fight characters with a low maximum number of friends, items, and more often than not, you will win more of your fights there because it's easier to get 10 awesome items of each type than it is to get 150 (miami) or 200 (chinatown). If you have a massive number of friends playing the game with you, you can definitely purchase a ton of cheap items and crush people in miami until people start to properly equip all of their 200 friends (plus all their possible hired men). Cliffnotes: Stay away from high population areas to win more fights, and therefore lose less money.
2. When you go to the area where you're going to play the missions you want, play those missions, attack the players you see you can beat. Typically the beatable players are those who are said to lose often, some, or break even. at higher levels mobsters with "wins some" and "wins often" tend to have the highest end items which they 100% had to buy with real dollars, and I doubt you wanna do that.
3. Put your money in the bank immediately, and then move back to the area you find easiest to win fights.

If you do this extremely simple recommendation (stay in small pop areas, bank your money), you won't ever worry about needing the money to get w/e new item you just unlocked!

So now you have enough money you can travel between locations freely, and buy any items necessary to complete missions, but now you can optimize your purchases by favoring one of two play styles and buying accordingly:

1. Large Fish, Small Pond

Here, you will stay in the Bronx or Coney Island for most fights. You can secure enough hired men through gameplay that you don't have to purchase any additional characters with your favor points by playing in these two areas, letting you spend your favor points on high end items with rare qualities. Purchase 10 of the highest defense items in each group, which currently are:

Melee: Jackhammer: 21 attack, 10 defense.
Guns: Bazooka. 26 attack. 14 defense.
Explosives: Napalm. 20 attack. 7 defense for awhile, and then Van of Explosives in New Jersey. 19 attack. 9 defense.
Armor: Exoskeleton. 8 attack. 38 defense.
Vehicles: Mack Titan. 6 attack, 16 defense.
Henchmen: Not all unlocked for me, but so far at level 84 it's a Caddy. 15 attack, 15 defense.

You should switch to the Merchant of Death class to buy melee and guns, and the defender to buy defense, but to defend enough fights to become defender, you'll need those 10 exoskeletons asap. Enforcer can also be used to buy weapons, but you get a lower % discount (but a 15% critical hit chance!)

As time goes on, you will acquire favor points from missions, completing offers for a sponsor (discussed later), or purchase them with real money. Trade those favor points for the highest end items and those which help your character in fights. For instance, if you don't have infinite favor points (you don't), don't buy a low end henchman with 25/20 stats when you could be buying one @ 99/69 (Dragon Warrior, sold out). There will definitely be items which will be more a waste for actual play, and are used really to show off on one's profile. Avatar items have a lot of value, but know now that when you master all the jobs in a location you'll get a powerful avatar item that will rival those which you can buy.
2. Huge Fish, Large Pond.

To do this, you MUST have at 150 or 200 friends who are playing this game with you. They don't need to be active, but you must have 150+ people in your mob to play this style. What you are trying to do here is beat all the people who don't optimize their characters items and build early in the game, and by having a lot of friends and a lot of items, you can beat up on anyone who isn't lucky to have as many friends as you PLUS they would have had to do a better job equipping their character than you.

There are ways you can REALLY optimize your character, You can use an item manager to figure out whether you're better off buying item a vs b vs c, and if you're trying to really geek out with this, you'll enjoy this method of play. The primary point of the article is that buying items and equipping the different number of mobsters in each area is limited by scarcity of cash, and since we all have the same scarcity, it's who purchases the most efficient items (most attack/defense for the money) who will win the most battles. This is definitely correct, and the Large Fish, Small Pond method of play is simply the same method but on a much smaller scale. The most efficient items according to the author were:

Guns: .38 Special (7-1)
Explosives: Gas Can (3-0)
Armor: Dark Suit and Black Facepaint (0-4)
Vehicles: El Camino (1-3)

Once you have given each of your 150 mob members + any hired men you have these items + the cheapest henchmen (foreign muscle/inside men can be won from doing missions/gifts) + the cheapest car you can buy the most of; then you can start buying higher attack/defense items which are less efficient but will have you doing more damage when you have the $ to spend.

For this play style, I believe you MUST change your class to the one which will discount you the most on the items you are buying. A multiplier of 150 or 200 will make a small amount of savings massive.

There are 18 total classes, and 4 have some difficulty to attaining them. Each class has a requirement, but you can see this from the "My Mobster" tab -> "Change Class" section. The ones which I will be covering here are: Defender, Enforcer, Assassin, and Hitman. The rest of the classes can be unlocked casually with gameplay or from leveling up and building a specific set of properties.

Enforcer: The easiest to unlock. Requires you to win 200 fights as an attacker (so attack!), 20 attack power (allocate them in the "My Stats" section in the "My Gangster" tab), and 100 guns (easy to acquire and some are very cheap). To win your 200 fights, you can do this easily if you put ~10-20 points in stamina, and just go from location to location, beating up the easiest targets. 200 wins can probably be done in your first two days of play.

Assassin: Requires 80 attack power, 1k fights won, and 50 kills. You will have to choose one of the playing styles discussed above, have an appropriate mob for the area you're attacking people in, and you will likely end up constantly hitting the same characters to get your wins/kills. I wouldn't worry about winning multiple fights, it's part of the game, a good way to secure easy wins, level up, and if you have a problem with some text "you got beat up!" you probably should pick a more peaceful game to play. Spore is fun!

Defender: This definitely took some time. There are really two main things: Be a Large Fish in a Small Pond, and heal yourself so you're always out of the hospital. And wait. As long as you heal yourself somewhat frequently and have good items you will eventually be hit and win enough times to secure the 200 fights you must win when attacked. You also need 40 defense, and 50 pieces of armour.

Hitman: NOTE: YOU WON'T UNLOCK THIS CLASS UNLESS YOU DO THIS EARLY IN THE GAME! You have to win 250 fights, get 300 guns, 200 explosives, and kill 20 bounty players. Due to a late game flaw, to put someone on the hitlist is prohibitively expensive when you are a high level. You have to look on the bounty page early in the game and constantly be hitting people to get your kills. It's not necessary to unlock this or really any other class, but part of the game is unlocking everything, so don't mess up!

All classes have some bonus, from small (10% cash on petty crime missions and 20% exp on petty crime missions for the petty criminal) to massive (defender and assassin are best when fighting). To level up in the most efficient way possible, choose the mission you will be doing, pick the class which gives you the highest experience boost (look at the class panel), and play that mission until you have it mastered. This way you will get the maximum experience per energy point used while also beating all the missions. I've seen some people stay a defender or goon (they can heal 1/4 faster) and they always stay a low level, or at least level up way slower than me. They might have won a few more fights, but I'm 20 levels higher and that means 3 stat points for every level higher = which means you're going to be stronger anyway.

More stuff to conquer!
There are 28 achievements total, with multiple grades of success. Each accomplishment will result in 2 more stat points for every grade of achievement achieved. Originally, you could win favor points, but the developers are looking to make more real $ off the game. The list of achievements can be found on the Mobsters two forums, specifically here.

Here are the more difficult achievements and tips to accomplish them:
1. Banking: You should be putting all your $ in the bank to keep you from being robbed. The % you lose from depositing will be less than the amount you lose when attacked. Therefore, simply acquire $ over time in the bank, and then once you reach, 10k, 100k, 2m, and 100m, pull that number out, and deposit it again for the achievement.
2. Level in 1 day achievements: Pump energy all day on day one. Maybe put a few points in stamina so you can hit people on the bounty list for every level you gain, but really you can gain a ton of levels fast by simply pumping energy and doing missions. It's almost 100% too late for you to do this if you're reading this though, because most people don't decide to read strategy guides for games they're just jumping into. If you are reading this before playing, congrats! You'll probably be a very prepared person in life.
3. Equipment achievements. Get 25 flick knives, 25 sawed off shotguns, 25 anti stab vests, 25 cigar boats, and 25 inside men ASAP because they are extremely cheap/easy to get (they can be gifted and received as gifts from your friends) and if you get all those items you'll have 12 more stat points, which you can throw in defense and become a defender even sooner!
4. Property Achievements. The required properties can be found here and as you level up and have the excess cash to redo your territory layout, buy those necessary properties.
5. Class Achievement: To reach the highest level, "More Class than Fred Astaire," you must unlock all classes, and that means getting those bounties early on because it's impossible to get if you level up too much (as discussed above).

Overall, Achievements are an easy bonus way to get stats and as you play the game naturally you'll get nearly all the accomplishments without thinking about it. With the info above, you'll find it very easy to unlock everything casually. SO THIS IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST INFO YOU CAN GET ON THIS GAME i HAVE OTHER SPECIFIC SECRETS AND TRICKS FOR MISSIONS IF YA WANT...iNBOX ME....MUCH LOVE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS THIS SEASON..and for all that request and I know I am loading my ass up..(and I do believe I will not let my alligator mouth overload my canary ass) but for those who dont have the mob size 150-200 I will mob you up...IT MAY TAKE AWHILE DEPENDING ON THE REQUESTS I GET AND IF ANYONE WANTS i WOULD GLADLY ACCEPT ANY FRIEND/MOBBIE SUGGESTIONS TO HELP ME GROW MY MOB...THANKS

Territory Tree
To All my mobbies enjoy and find any of my tips and or tricks or my M2 Bibles that I have created and or condensed on my homepage here.

Gas Station (1)
Slum(1) -> Sub-Division(12) -> Gated Mansion(48)
Slum(1) -> Row of Brownstones(10) -> Block of Townhouses(25) -> Luxury Condo(61)
Slum(1) -> Row of Brownstones(10) -> Apartment Complex(38) -> High-Rise Residence(63)
Food & Beverage
Dive Bar(1) -> Pizza Parlor(7) -> Ristorante(50)
Dive Bar(1) -> Diner(17) -> Italian Bakery(37)
Dive Bar(1) -> Strip Club(24) -> Escort Agency(43)
Dive Bar(1) -> Strip Club(24) -> Fancy Nightclub(58)
Storefront(2) -> Pawn Shop(13) -> Drug Lab(31)
Storefront(2) -> Pawn Shop(13) -> Fence Operations(44)
Storefront(2) -> Pawn Shop(13) -> Weapon Shop(87)
Storefront(2) -> Importer(26) -> Olive Oil Importer(36)
Storefront(2) -> Importer(26) -> Tomato Sauce Importer(40)
Storefront(2) -> Importer(26) -> Wine Importer(46)
Storefront(2) -> Funeral Parlor(23) -> Crematorium(70)
Old Warehouse(3) -> Factory(15) -> Cement Factory(42) -> Construction Co(92)
Old Warehouse(3) -> Factory(15) -> Incinerator(52) -> Waste Management Co(83)
Old Warehouse(3) -> Chop Shop(21)
Old Warehouse(3) -> Slaughterhouse(33) -> Meat-Packing Plant(66)
Sportsbook(5) -> Gambling Parlor(18) -> Casino(55) -> Resort Casino(99)
Sportsbook(5) -> Boxing Hall(28) -> Sports Arena(96)
Sportsbook(5) -> Stable(34) -> Racetrack(75)

BEGINNERS INFORMATION: Understanding Territory Slots
The current maximum available slots to build territories is 12

The information below shows when the slots become available.
Slot 1: Base Slot
Slot 2: Base Slot
Slot 3: Base Slot
Slot 4: Base Slot
Slot 5: Opens Level 3
Slot 6: Opens Level 6
Slot 7: Opens Level 8
Slot 8: Opens Level 12
Slot 9: Opens Level 15
Slot 10: Opens Level 19
Slot 11: Opens Level 23
Slot 12: Opens Level 27

Note: There is also a new 3-D style territory layout in limited beta release to some members. At this point it is undetermined if this affects the slot layout open levels or exactly how this will change territory building. Provide any information you find.

BEGINNERS INFORMATION: Understanding the Territory Information Details
Basic Territory Categories
Open Level: This shows the level the territory first becomes available.
Price: This shows the base price for each territory. Note that the price doubles for every territory of the same type you purchase.

A good strategy is to purchase the highest level territory before purchasing the next of the same territory.
As an example: If you want 3 Ristorantes, purchase the Dive Bar, Pizza Parlor, and Ristorante before purchasing the 2nd and 3rd Risorante so you only pay double price on the Ristorantes

Commercial Tree: The Storefront properties do not give enhancements, but they produce the highest income.
Income per/min: This shows the territory income and time interval the territory pays out.
Note: The income listed on the territory page will not change even if your Character Class has an increase in the income from territories.

Income per/hr: This converts the per/min income to an hourly rate to help show which territories payout the best.

Math on Income per Hour
The price listed in your territories may not match the number in the table.
This can be affected by 2 factors Avatar Items/Unique Loot that increases the payout speed for territories.

For example:
Crooked Accountant = 5% increase in territory cash payout speed.
Fence Operations = $3600 per 180min.

180min * .95 = 171min (Payout speed increase from Accountant)

So the Fence Operations is now $3600 per 171min
$3600 / 171min = 21.05/min * 60 = $1263/hr

Max Income: This shows the maximum income the territory can hold before it stops collecting money.
Max Ownable: This shows the maximum number of each territory you can own before receiving a 'Limit Reached' message.

Enhancement Categories:
The following categories are territory enhancements that are only applicable while you own the territory.
The enhancements are stackable, so if you own multiple territories, the bonus will stack for each category.

Note: The timer reduction is rounded upward by the game. So if your stacked energy timer nets a reduction of 4.8, you will see a drop of 5 seconds on your timer.

Residential Tree: The Slum properties give an enhancement to energy and energy regeneration.
Energy Max: This shows the amount the territory will increase the energy stat.
Energy Regen: This shows the amount the territory will reduce the energy regeneration timer.

Math on Energy Regneration Timer:
The base energy timer starts at 60 seconds per 2 energy points.
Therefore 1% bonus to energy regeneration will reduce the timer by 0.6 seconds. (60 x 1% = 0.6)
The timer reduction stacks, so if you have a total of 10% it will reduce by 6 seconds (0.6 x 10 = 6)

Food & Bevarage Tree: The Dive Bar properties give an enhancement to health and health regeneration.
Health Max: This shows the amount the territory will increase the health stat.
Health Regen: This shows the amount the territory will reduce the health regeneration timer.

Math on Health Regneration Timer:
The base health timer starts at 180 seconds per health point.
Therefore 1% bonus to health regeneration will reduce the timer by 1.8 seconds. (180 x 1% = 1.8)
The timer reduction stacks, so if you have a total of 10% it will reduce by 18 seconds (1.8 x 10 = 18)

Entertainment Tree: The Sportsbook properties give an enhancement to stamina and stamina regeneration.
Stamina Max: This shows the amount the territory will increase the stamina stat.
Stamina Regen: This shows the amount the territory will reduce the stamina regeneration timer.

Math on Stamina Regneration Timer:
The base stamina timer starts at 120 seconds per stamina point.
Therefore 1% bonus to stamina regeneration will reduce the timer by 1.2 seconds. (120 x 1% = 1.2)
The timer reduction stacks, so if you have a total of 10% it will reduce by 12 seconds (1.2 x 10 = 12)

Industrial Tree: The Warehouse properties give an enhancement to either defense, attack or chance of dealing critical hits.
Attack: This shows the amount the territory will increase the attack stat.
Defense: This shows the amount the territory will increase the defense stat.
Crit Hits (Fight): This shows the increased chance of scoring a critical hit in fights

Thanks to:

Territory Guide:
The original poster in the first guide who really got the ball rolling - Migu

General Territory Information - all the poster in the orignal thread,ld_ruiz69
Territory Slot Details - BigAussieAL
Good idea to put the territories in order - BigAussieAL
Pricing Details- Ice Pick Ogie,Bozana,BigAussieAL,Xunobulax, Don of Montepulciano,Woodsie Lord,Bdawgfl,GMan6,Arnieboy
Maximum Territories Ownable - Ice Pick Ogie, J. Daniels,A. Katalichenko, Wilson Fisk,drlenr,insomniac,SethA,LexLuthor801
Mission Territory Requirements - Ice Pick Ogie, ArnieBoy

Putting the Achievements thread together - Shampound

Class Requirements:
Putting the Class requirements thread together - Steeler14

Avatar Items (Unique Loot):
Putting the Unique Loot thread together - Shampound

If I have failed to add a thanks for something you have done in the past,
accept my apologies and let me know so I can add you!!
Last edited by Ice Pick Ogie; Yesterday at 10:23 AM. Reason: Updated gdoc link
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Old 09-16-2009, 12:37 PM
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Ice Pick Ogie Ice Pick Ogie is offline

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Default Achievements
Note on Terminolgy:
B=Bronze, S=Silver, G=Gold, P=Platinum
The number in (parantheses) indicates the level the Territory Achievement can be completed.

When you complete a particular achievement you typically get 1 FP. There have been instances shown that people are also getting Stat points instead.
It appears the developer is still working through their preferred reward for achievements.

B (1): Residential Slumlord - owning 1 Slums
S (10): Residential Landlord - owning 2 Brownstones
G (25): Residential Big Shot - owning 3 Blocks of Townhouses
P (63): Residential Tycoon - owning 2 Luxury Condo Communities and 2 High-Rise Residents

B (2): Commercial Slumlord - owning 1 Storefront
S (23): Commercial Landlord - owning 2 Funeral Parlors
G (70): Commercial Big Shot - Owning 2 Crematoriums
P (44): Commercial Tycoon - owning 3 Fence Operations and 3 Olive Oil importers

B (3): Industrial Slumlord - owning 1 Old Warehouse
S (15): Industrial Landlord - owning 2 Factories
G (42): Industrial Big Shot – owning 3 Cement Factories
P (92): Industrial Tycoon - owning 2 Construction companies and 2 Waste Management companies

B (5): Entertainment Slumlord - owning 1 Sportsbook
S (34): Entertainment Landlord - owning 2 Stables
G (55): Entertainment Big Shot - owning 3 Casinos
P (99): Entertainment Tycoon - owning a Resort Casino, a Racetrack, and a Sports Arena

B (1): Food & Beverage Slumlord - owning 1 Dive Bar
S (7): Food & Beverage Landlord - owning 2 Pizza Parlors
G (50): Food & Beverage Big Shot - owning 3 Ristorantes
P (58): Food & Beverage Tycoon - owning 2 Italian Bakeries, 2 Escort Agencies, and 2 Fancy Nightclubs

B (1): Residential Slumlord - owning 1 Slums
B (1): Food & Beverage Slumlord - owning 1 Dive Bar
B (2): Commercial Slumlord - owning 1 Storefront
B (3): Industrial Slumlord - owning 1 Old Warehouse
B (5): Entertainment Slumlord - owning 1 Sportsbook
S (7): Food & Beverage Landlord - owning 2 Pizza Parlors
S (10): Residential Landlord - owning 2 Brownstones
S (15): Industrial Landlord - owning 2 Factories
S (23): Commercial Landlord - owning 2 Funeral Parlors
G (25): Residential Big Shot - owning 3 Blocks of Townhouses
S (34): Entertainment Landlord - owning 2 Stables
G (42): Industrial Big Shot – owning 3 Cement Factories
P (44): Commercial Tycoon - owning 3 Fence Operations and 3 Olive Oil importers
G (50): Food & Beverage Big Shot - owning 3 Ristorantes
G (55): Entertainment Big Shot - owning 3 Casinos
P (58): Food & Beverage Tycoon - owning 2 Italian Bakeries, 2 Escort Agencies, and 2 Fancy Nightclubs
P (63): Residential Tycoon - owning 2 Luxury Condo Communities and 2 High-Rise Residents
G (70): Commercial Big Shot - Owning 2 Crematoriums
P (92): Industrial Tycoon - owning 2 Construction companies and 2 Waste Management companies
P (99): Entertainment Tycoon - owning a Resort Casino, a Racetrack, and a Sports Arena

The Platinum for Commercial is an exception as the territories for platinum are available before the territory for gold.

I have tested and you DO NOT get the FP for Gold if you do the Platinum achievement first.
If you decide to get the Platinum achievement before the Gold, I have confirmed that you can still get the FP for Gold achievement once the Crematorium is available, and the medal on your Mobsters page will remain platinum.

STRATEGY: Using Territories for the Stat Achievements
There are 3 stat achievements (energy, health, and stamina) which you can use territories to help gain the achievements.

Stamina: How to get the stamina achievement at level 75
B 10
S 20
G 30
P 50

Minimum level required: 75
Territories to purchase:
(1) - Racetrack (+6 stamina each, +6 total stamina, $82,200 total cost)
(3) - Stable (+4 stamina each, +12 total stamina, $160,500 total cost)
(3) - Casino (+3 stamina each, +9 total stamina, $407,500 total cost)
(4) - Gambling Parlor (+1stamina each, +4 total stamina,$220,500 )

Total stamina increase: 31
Total territory Cost: $870,700
Minimum stat points required: 19

19 base stamina stat points plus the 31 stamina increase from the above territories will give you the platinum achievement.

Also highly recommend opening the Hitman class which gives a bonus of +10 to stamina. You can use this to either decrease the base stat points needed to place on stamina, or reduce the number of territories you need to purchase.

Energy: How to get the energy achievement at level 63
B 200
S 500
G 1000
P 2000

Minimum level required: 63
Territories to purchase:
(3) - Gated Mansion (+50 energy each, +150 total, $118,600 total cost)
(2) - High-Rise Residence (+40 energy each, +80 total, $159,200 total cost)
(4) - Sub-Division (+25 energy each, +100 total, $116,000 total cost)
(3) - Apartment Complex (+20 energy each, +60 total, $146,000 total cost)

Total Energy Increase: 390 points
Total Territory Cost: $539,800
Minimum energy required: 1610

Note that a single stat point will give you +10 to energy. I believe you start with 100 energy points, so 1510/10 = 151 base stat points plus the above territories will give you the platinum achievement.

Also note that if you get the Secret Sauce Recipe this will give you a permanent +30 to energy which will reduce the base stats required. Please see the mini-games thread for details on obtaining the recipe.

Health: How to get the health achievement at level 58
B 200
S 500
G 1000
P 2000

Minimum level required: 58
Territories to purchase:
(3) - Ristorante (+100 health each, +300 total, $181,350 total cost)
(3) - Escort Agency (+60 health each, +180 total, $350,100 total cost)
(4) - Pizza Parlor (+50 health each, +200 total, $180,000 total cost)
(2) - Fancy Nightclub (+40 health each, +80 total, $237,000 total cost)

Total Health Increase: 760 points
Total Territory Cost: $948,450
Minimum Health Required: 1240

Note that a single stat point will give you +10 to health, so if you put 124 base stat points into health plus the above territories will give you the platinum achievement. Not sure what the starting value of health was.
Last edited by Ice Pick Ogie; 11-04-2009 at 01:13 PM. Reason: Completed territories to get stat achievements section.
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Old 09-16-2009, 12:38 PM
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Ice Pick Ogie Ice Pick Ogie is offline

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Default Strategy
TERRITORY GUIDE: Territory Impacting Classes, Avatar Items and Equipment
The following details the various character classes, items and equipment that can impact how your territories work.

Character Classes:
The following character classes give discounts on territory purchases.
Money Man (5%)
Landlord (15%)
- Class Mission:Take Over a Rival Casino (opens L57) - Obtain Real Estate Negotiator

Avatar Items:
The following avatar items will increase the speed territories payout.
'$' Tattoo - 5% increase in territory cash payout speed.

The following special equipment will impact territories.
Henchman: Real Estate Negotiator - 5% discount on all territories
Henchman: Crooked Accountant - 5% increase in territory cash payout speed.

Note on determining the base territory price if you have discounts (for those that want to help fill in the blanks)
Add up the total discounts you have active (i.e. Landlord = 15% and Negotiator = 5% for a total of 20% discount)
The formula is (Listed Price / (1 - Discount percent)

For example:
Listed Price = 8,000
Total Discounts = 20% = 0.2
(8,000 / (1 - 0.2) = 8,000 / 0.8 = 10,000 base price.

TERRITORY GUIDE: Mission Territory Requirements
The following details the missions that require particular territories for completion.
The number indicated in parentheses is the number required to complete Platinum Mastery of the mission.

Establish a Business s a Front: (3) Storefront
Hire a Miami Nightclub Promoter: (1) Stripclub
Hire and Train Drug Mules: (1) Drug Lab
Dispose of a Car for Insurance Money: (2) Chop Shop
Start Illegal Pai Gow Hall: (1) Gambling Parlor
Cayman Islands
Launder Money Through a Nightclub (1) Fancy Nightclub - opens at level 105

TERRITORY GUIDE: Character Class Territory Requirements
The following are the territories required to open certain character classes.

Money Man: Owning (4) territories - any
Landlord: Owning (12) territories - any
Trafficker: Owning (4) Old Warehouses: available at level 3
High Roller: Owning (1) Casino: available at level 55
Bagman: Owning (1) High-Rise Residences: available at level 63

Best Territory by Category:
At this point the details are not available on all the properties to determine which are the best overall. The ones listed are based on the known information.

Best Income: Fence Operations
Best Energy: Gated Mansion
Best Energy Regeneration: Luxury Condo
Best Health: Ristorante
Best Health Regeneration: Italian Bakery
Best Stamina: Racetrack
Best Stamina Regeneration: Sports Arena
Best Defense: Chop Shop
Best Attack: Meat-Packing Plant
Best Critical Hit: Construction Company

Territory Builds:
The best strategy is user specific, and will be a combination of the enhancements you want for your Mobster combined with the highest available income properties.

I wanted to setup something we can use to display territory builds that help enhance our characters. I'm sure everyone has good ideas for low and high level characters, so post up your ideas.

Build Type: Attacker
Level Req: 55
(3) Fancy Nightblub: +40 health, +3% health regen
(3) Casino: +3 stamina, +3% stamina regen
(3) Incinerator: +3% critical hits, +2% attack
(3) Fence Operations: $1,250 per hour

Total Bonuses
Income: $7,188hr
Health: +120 health, +9% health regen
Energy: none
Stamina: +9 stamina, +9% stamina regen
Fight: +9% critical hits, +6% attack
Explanation: The attack build uses a mix to increase health and stamina statistics, while increasing the attack rating and chance for critical hits. It then uses 3 fence ops to jump the hourly income.

Build Type: Best Income Build (Level 46)
Level Req: 46
(3) Fence Operations: $1,250 per hour
(3) Tomato Sauce Importer: $975 per hour
(3) Olive Oil Importer: $866 per hour
(3) Wine Importer: $771 per hour

Total Bonuses
Income: $11,586hr
Health: none
Energy: none
Stamina: none
Fight: none
Explanation: The best income build uses the maximum number available for all of the

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