Welcome To Build A Superbad Mobster from Comitatus Fraternitas > Band Of Brothers

Glad to have yous guys showin up here to gain some knowin how, even if it may be common knowledge to lots of you guys it aint to many..so leave some comments and some knowledge if they are good I will give you credit and repost them as Mobster Know How for everyone to comment on...So Comment and lets see who's bad in the Know How area...leave it for all to learn from and by doin so you make the entire family strong.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Class Changes and Money Making

Okay mobbies as you see I love my family and believe that is our purpose on this earth the only way to have any sense of immortality is to procreate..assurance of the genetic line..so go love somebody. :-) but its much better if you love that person and are truly ready for a lifetime of commitment and at least 18 years of financial support x however many chilluns you have. Now for my soapbox dismount I plan a double Lindy with a full twisting back flip. Peace.

1. Maximizing Defense With Avatar Style & Territorial Class
Anyway I am sure many of you know of this already but if say you want to buy lots of new
goodies (depending on what they are) say melee items then you want to use Merchant of Death class, but you don't want to do it right after you level up unless it is a priority issue. Class &Avatar: The thing you want to do is to use the class that you prefer as in Defender which gives 15% chance of spirited defense (if you have a weak area in defense and you use the scythe, which by the way I have a post on how to obtain the scythe also, and the vest or the cape, the snake tattoo, or long coat all 6%, 5%, 7% and 5% respectively) then your using the defender class (15%), with the scythe (5%), vest (6%) and snake tattoo (7%) you are now looking at 33% chance of spirited defense that means that for every 3 hits you take you will respond with a spirited defense which means you have a very good chance of winning 1 in 3 fights brought against you. Territory & Avatar : Also using the chop shop territory (which you can own up to 4 of @ 2% ^ in defense = 8% increase so if you have used 100 skill points and your d is sitting at 100 then + the 8% = 108 in D) then add your (Avatar) combat pants for another 3% in D. Now at the risk of losing your snake tattoo you can boost both D and A by using the Ace of Spades tat (2% A & 2 % D) which again if your basing everything on 100 D points you are only gaining 2pts. for D and 2pts. for A. I recommend you stay with the Snake tat. Also you can add another 100 in D by using the Industrial Chainsaw avatar gift (available after Chinatown Completion + 100 pts. in D). The images to the left show the avatar equipped with the items i have mentioned - the Ace of Spades tat. Now in defense you can also use the Money man which when all things are considerd he offers quite bit, 10% in D, 5% discount on all items and territories as well as a 5% increase in profit form territories. One more thing the % increase gifts always seem like more than they are..but they are only as valuable as your own stats allow..like i said earlier if you have 100 in skill points assigned to D and you use the Ace of spades tat you only gain 2 pts in D, and you add the combat pants you gain 3 pts (3%), and if you own 4 chops = 8% or 8 pts. between all three of these you have 13 pts..so combined you gain a significant amount when you consider that in order for someone to get 13 skill points you have to (usually) get to the gold level of 13 missions to get that many skill points or level up 4 times..so in that respect it quite a bit (but only when they are combined) if you sell your chops you have 5 pts. gained...etc..etc. When you get ready to perform certain functions...(attack for exp points or to level up or gain cash or mission in a city), use the appropriate avatar gifts combined with Class and territory (territories should be built on a more permanent basis so as not to expend large amounts of cash to perform certain missions but built to cover a broad range of mission capabilities from defense to attack to money making) we have discussed defense and the classes mentioned purchases at discounts and or ^ money making and these classes are great when you dress your avatar up to go to bed at night (which by the way the defender or money man are the perfect bedtime classes) but during mission play and max activity you may want a more aggressive dress and or class change. So in conclusion..use of avatar gifts as well as classes and territories will maximize your intent. Any questions please inbox me on Leslie Loomans' facebook page or you can email me at llooman@cox.net or whytfang@gmail.com.

Money Making 101: Cheat Class

While I am playing the game either doing missions, gifting, chatting or just attacking I earn anywhere from $15,000- $100,000 an hour without territory income..and below is the best territory build for income, it will aloow you to earn $288,000 over a 24 hour period which I can make in a 3 hour period.

Build Type: Best Income Build (Level 46)
Level Req: 46
(3) Fence Operations: $1,250 per hour
(3) Tomato Sauce Importer: $975 per hour
(3) Olive Oil Importer: $866 per hour
(3) Wine Importer: $771 per hour

Total Bonuses
Income: $11,586hr
Health: none
Energy: none
Stamina: none
Fight: none
Explanation: The best income build uses the maximum number available for all of the best income territories. This build does not give bonuses to any stat categories. I use all of the rackets available and I get my wifes cooking timer and set it right beside me while I amd doing missions. I set the rackets to the 15 minute "Work The Docks" with an income potential of $907-$2325 and when the timer goes of jump on it quick (because the length of time before the rackets expire is in direct proportion to the amount of time to perform the rackets (so the 4 hour rackets give more time to reap the benefits before they expire as do the 12 and 24 hour rackets with the max time before expiration is the 24 hour rackets (obviously) I am sure there is some % correlation to the time to complete and the expiration of same but I am not sure exactly what that is (shame on me), however I do know that i was 5 minutes late to claim my profits but they were expired...also (WARNING) do not be misled by the image that you see if you go to the racket page and it has been sitting on the racket image for some time...you will see whatever it was when you last left the screen..you have to refresh it for it to show the real time left..for the racket. I lost a couple before I realized I was looking at an image frozen in time. Then when the timer goes off I collect all of my racketeering profits and then dot the whack a mole mission on coney (which is where I collect my racket moneys so ass to be ready for the mole mission and bank them all at once or if someone is on you you can bank each one or after you collect all racket monies. I like to bank them all at once..if I can..saves time and from start to finish it is just under 1 minute to collect all of them

I will ad the attack & mission ( advantages to use of class and % ) post later my grandson wants to get online to play Mafia Wars. Peace and Mobster Love to all.

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