Ok the trick is to make sure your health is just below or a lot below the attack threshold...which means you are technically invisible..(for example if you have 1200 in health then your attack Point ..the place where someone can attack you after you come out of the hospital...is 240) so you have to be below 240...my best tactic is do do gang attacks in cities where the population is low...for me thats the earlier cities...but anyway I do the gang wars and on the last attack I do kamikaze...and drain a sufficient amount of health to keep my invisible for 1-3 hours depends on where you end up on the health scale... so anyway while you are in the (zone...invisible) go ahead and do whatever attacks you want as long as they dont require health ...and any money you get you can bank without danger..also collect your territory rent..etc...enjoy..i have lots of know how on my blog site. So join up and become a follower of my posts..and you will get an instant email every time I post a new tip of the day...you will know before anyone else..and if you guys vote for it we can make the tips available to only those who are followers..you decide. Enjoy 1 and all.
2.TIP OF THE DAY...... Making $10,000 to $100,000 Per Hour...and $2.5 mill -$3.5 mill per day...or 20K to 40K in experience.
Yeah if you use the Whack a mole you can on the average get anywhere from 10-25k per whack every 15 mins = 4 per hour = 40-100k per hour, plus if you do the Rackets that give out 1k to 2500 per every 15 mins...then you can bring in another 5000-7500 per 15 mins x 4 = 20k - 30k per hour for a total of $60-$130K per hour....but you have to be on your toes..(THE TRICK TO THE RACKETS THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE DONT KNOW IS THEY EXPIRE 2X THE LENGTH OF WHAT EVER THEY ARE A 4 HOUR WILL EXPIRE IN 8 HOURS, A 6 HOUR IN 12 HOURS, A 15 MINUTE ONE IN 30 MINUTES etc etc...)
If your looking for the best Territory income build check my blog site for the income build they will all be store front territories...but now with the gang wars I am bringing in around 1.5- 2.5 mil per day...and since I have 2800 in energy I get lots of income from my take over an offshore bank in the caymans mission I can bring in 500k in income after using a full batch of energy just on that one mission but the success rate is diminished because of its yield (you will loose roughly 2-3 out of every 8-10 attempts...but on occasion i will put together a 10 mission run without a failure which will net around 500K with bonuses and 21,78O in experience using the Consigliere Class, Hawaiian shirt and the black cowboy boots for the exp to be maximized. As far as cash use the Gray hair and Gray fedora hat to score another 5% in cash and the silver slacks will bring in another 7% in cash (12% of 500K is 60K..a nice take just for changing attire before mission undertaking. Its the only one I use to maximize my experience take). Now if you use 8 coffees with 2800 experience (now lots of people would say that is wasting them but the truth is that I get 10 coffees a day and only use 8...plus one the eight coffee I bring in 4% of my 2800 which is 120 extra experience, the only thing that can compare with that is an alertness pill so the coffee is free...hello..play the game smart and you will always be one step ahead of everyone else..(ALWAYS MAXIMIZE YOUR GIFTS). So that would bring me to right around 6900 in experience. That would allow me to do the Take Over An Offshore Bank mission in the Caymans, 21 times. Now as far as experience goes that is 1355 for the mission and add 873 bonus for the attire I mentioned previously = 2228 exp per mission X 21 = 46,788 exp..which will clear most of your levels from jump street...Now the cool trick is to use your energy precisely at the time it carries you to another level on the last mission and (for me ) its another 2800 in energy..so I get another 8 shots at the 2228 which totals (17,724 after leveling up) and for all 9,128 in energy a total of (rounded down to ) 64,000 in experience...and everyone said DAMN!!!!!! Now dont forget you will lose roughly 6-8 so using coins, and charms and a little good luck..you will walk away with around 50-55K in experience...and anywhere between 500K to 1.2 mil in cash. Thats using 9,128 in experience on the caymans mission...but IF YOU WANT TO MAKE SERIOUS MONEY AND I DO MEAN SERIOUS!!!!!!! MONEY!!!!!!! Then you do the Kidnap Relative (you will have to change your class to brute..so if you always use one certain class all the time then you will want to make sure you are going to level up during your cash haul missions, and then change back to your preferred class after you snag your cash) or Blackmail Real Estate Developer in Amsterdam..the success rate is much better than the Caymans..and you will bring in anywhere from (use the help bonus to increase your haul and remember this is for me and my energy amount of 9,128 and I have done it many times and have averaged it out for everyone) between $1.1 mil and $2.5 mil and that takes into account the non-successful missions and the bonuses and low rewards(which are rare as a matter of fact i have only seen 4 or 5 lower than 10K rewards ever!) that was for the Blackmail mission if you do the Kidnap you will snag between (again for my 9,128) $1.8mil to 2.7 mil and maybe more with bonuses. Now if you have 4000 in energy after which i am sure lots of you can get to then you would bring around $800K to $1.5mil. Now add this with. lets say an average person may have 50 stamina X an average of $2K per attack per hour= 100K..if you just check in every hour or 2 you can end up with $1million a day. Die hards who use an alarm clock ( go here for a real cool desktop alarm clock called Alarm Clock v1.0 it is absolutely safe and it will alarm with your fave MP3, and you can set it to 1 min to 8 hours or whatever your heart desires..go to this site click on software at the top then alarm clock in the left hand column) http://www.scottflute.com/ ........ or go here and pick the one you want, http://download.cnet.com/Alarm-Clock/3000-2350_4-10064069.html ... and set it for however long it takes for your stamina to refill then attack a gang or use it for rackets. With the total from your gang war some of you may hit 3.5 or more depending on how much stamina you have and the amounts rewarded for attacks..(I get an average of 3K per attack and have 83 stamina) so with my alarm clock and lots of toting my laptop everywhere, I have scored $4.2 million in one day ..using Whack a mole 15-20 times a day (which is real easy)= max 500K, my territories bring 240K, if I sell 20 scorpion machine guns I get 500K (thats 1.2) before one mission or gang attack...then the missions I rarely leave with less the $2.2mil after a full dose of energy 9,100 in energy (after level up) then with gang warring...an easy $1.5 mil...now you will lose sometimes more in missions..and it costs to buy your health..around 26K for me for reloads of health X's 10 or 15 stamina loads can be $500K...so there you have it...I put lots of effort into this so if you come to my blog and read it or copy it I dont care just click on the join so I can see if I am getting a response..If I dont get much response then I may just stop posting Tips Of The Day here where it is so easy to find...I t takes a lot of effort on my part (since I am anal and hate TYPOS....but always have one or two)...anyway let me know if you stop by to see this by joining and you will receive an email every time I post a new tip of the day...too cool for school...enjoy and tell your friends about it. So join the people who get automatic emails every time I post new info here. Become a follower of my posts your not following me...just me posts...thanks and Enjoy everyone.
3.TIP OF THE DAY: 15 Bonuses in one day.
The trick is to take your 10 coffees (especially since playdom stopped supplying them) because, and this is straight from playdom " Coffee as a gift was making it much too easy for some of you to burn through game content at an astronomical rate." so using the "see 23 or 12 or 4 similar posts" feature the coffees are easier to find, but collect the 10 coffees from people who have just "downed" a coffee..not the ones sent to others, these may work as well but I just know what I have done for 15 bonuses a day. After you get your 10 coffees, then do 5 "help with missions" and you will get (for me it is at least 5-6k per and $5500-$6500 exp per)..so you not only get 15 bonuses you also get (again for me around 3000 exp and 30k in cash). The next TIP OF THE DAY will tell all of you how to snag between 2.5 mill and 3.5 mil in cash per day...unbelievable?..not if the M2 Guru says so..you can bank on it. Enjoy and who loves ya? "The M2 Guru"
P.S. DO NOT...(really ) DO NOT mix your helps with your downed coffees..do your coffees first and then do the helps ..if you do a help in between the coffees (even though you are allowed 5 helps a day) it will count a s a bonus and it will diminish your coffee snagging by how ever many helps you do before your coffee snagaging (I just created that word it will be in Websters early part of next year)...hehe..so to recap 10 (downed) coffees then 5 helps. Peeeaaaacccceee.
Hey mobbies this tip is for all of you who have newbs to the game and want them to get off on the right foot, If you want to use spirited defense as a defensive tactic then you would use the Defender Class which gives 15% chance of spirited defense. Also, if you use the scythe,the vest, or the cape, the snake tattoo, or long coat, the smoking jacket ,or swat pants(all possessing 5%,6%, 5%, 7%, 5%, 8% and 6% chance of spirited defense respectively) you will increase your chance of a spirited defense considerably. Ok your best arrangement of these is swat pants (6%), with the scythe (5%), smoking jacket (8%) and snake tattoo (7%) you are now looking at 41% chance of spirited defense that means that for every 2.5 hits you take you will respond with a spirited defense which means you have a very good chance of winning 1 in 2.5 fights brought against you.Remember this is purely spirited defense tactics..myself i would use the Industrial chainsaw instead of the scythe...but thats a whole nother tactic in its self )combination tactics which I will get into later) Critical hits tactics will be coming soon.
5. TIP OF THE DAY: 50 Gifts Per Day
Obviously you get your regular 20 and then you can get your 50 gifts per day by adding 30 more (30 are random) do the rackets (4hour ) and you will score 30 gifts every day a mix of steroids (5 stamina each), coffee, energy, and health...one of the best rackets out there..the steroids will bring $10-$15K in cash in gang wars ( "for me" since I avg. $2000-$3000 per attack) or in Amsterdam kidnap relative mission (figured on 2 staminas per mission for $20K-$30K, with each broken down to an avg. of $10-$15K per stamina you avg. $50-$75K per steroid...but you also need 200 health per mission/2 staminas used. So take advantage of all the gifts available to you and use playdom the same way they use us.
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